The firste booke. Fo. j | ||||
Liber j | ||||
Take 4 ? of lynseede, & beate it very small & one good handfull of | ||||
chickeweede, & a good handfull of rose leaves, & put them into a quarte | ||||
of milke & seeth them together till they be so thicke that you may spread | ||||
it upon a cloth: & lay it as hot to the breaste as ye patient may suffer it: | ||||
& if it chaunce to breake then tente* it with youre greene salve nexte | ||||
above written: & by Gods helpe it shall heale it. | ||||
For the pyles or emrodes. 73. | ||||
Take flockes of scarlet*, & seeth** them in milke till they be thicke, and | ||||
therewith bath the place infected, & then use this salve which must be | ||||
made in Maye: Take an handfull of elder toppes, as much of mullet* | ||||
leaves, & stampe the very small, & boyle them verye well in sweet | ||||
sheeps sewet, & the oyle of roses till ye salve bee greene, & then strayne | ||||
it, & when it is colde use it to ye place & put it up as farre as you may. | ||||
For a sore mouth. 74. | ||||
Take rosemary tops, sage, synkefille*, planten, bramble leaves, honye- | ||||
succle leaves, of each an handfull, seeth* all these together from a pottle** | ||||
to a quarte in fayre running water, then strayne it & put thereunto two | ||||
spoonefull of honye, & as much allome* as a wallnut beaten, then seeth | ||||
it over the fire agayne, & give it one walme, then strayne it, & let it | ||||
settle, & use the cleare water thereof, & if it bee a canker, besides this | ||||
water, burne the shreddes of scarlet, & lay the powder thereof | ||||
upon the sore, & it will kill it. | ||||
A playster for olde bruises, or sores, uncomes*, cuts, | ||||
or any such like which will both breake & drawe & | ||||
heale: & it is allso good for scarres, & will serve for | ||||
a seere clothe*, for a sciatica, or for any olde sore | ||||
or newe. 75. | ||||
I thinke this sheeps | Take a quarter of j lb of hartes sewet or goates sewet, & of sheepes sewet | |||
sewet should be so | 6 ? & boyle it with 4 ? of the iuice* of clumenon**, till yt juice be consu- | |||
much waxe. | med, then adde unto it a quarter of j lb of 0lybanum*, of rozen* di j lb, of per- | |||
rosen* halfe j lb, then beate your rosen & your gummes** as small as you | ||||
can, & melte your waxe & sewet, that beinge molten, put in your gummes, | ||||
& still boyle them till all be well molten, & then streyne it into a pottle | ||||
of good white wine through a linnen cloth, & being all well boyled toge- | ||||
ther neere halfe an houre, then take it downe & let it coole, till you may | ||||
gather it from the wine: then melte it agayne, in an other cleane panne | ||||
& being molten, stirre it well with a wodden splatter* till it be allmoste | ||||
colde, & then you must have 4 ? of good turpentine first washed in good | ||||
rose water, & put it thereinto, before it be colde, then set it on ye fire | ||||
agayne, & being well molten, stirre it together agayne, & when it is | ||||
allmost colde, then take & put thereunto 2 drams of camphire*, & stirre it | ||||
together till it be full colde, then make it in rowles, or boxe it as you liste*. | ||||
till you |
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Transcribed by JW and LF