The firste booke fo. 15. | ||||
Liber 1 | ||||
A medicine for all manner diseases as gouts | ||||
aches & running goutes 38. | ||||
Take a lapfull of rewe, as much hysop, as much water mynts, as | ||||
much arsesmarte*, & boyle them all together in fayre water, in a | ||||
greate vessell, till the colour of the hearbes be chaunged cleane, then | ||||
have a bathfat* readye, & in the middest a stoole with a round hole, | ||||
as bigge as the palme of your hande, and under the feete of ye patient | ||||
a footstoole, so that he touch no water then put the bayles* on ye fatte*** | ||||
& put clothes on the bayles to keepe in the heate: then put in ye water | ||||
seething hot then let the patient sit over the stoole uprighte even | ||||
over the hole, an houre if he may endure so long & in the season of | ||||
the sweate, let the patient rubbe himselfe with his owne hands where | ||||
his cheife griefe is or lyeth: And if the patient forbeare to drinke it | ||||
is the better: but if he be compelled to drinke, then let him drinke | ||||
stale ale* with a toste, after that let him to lye downe in a warme bed, | ||||
& then let him eate [???] cassia fistula*, drawene water belong- | ||||
eth to a laske* & wth ye grace of God he shal recover & have his health. | ||||
To asswage the stinging of an adder, or any | ||||
other venemous beaste 39. | ||||
Take shell snayles in summertime they keepe in gardens & in ye winter | ||||
time most in olde houses, breake the shells & lay the snayles in a dish | ||||
& pricke them with a pinne, so that the oyle of them may come or fall | ||||
from them, & anoynte the patiente with the same oyle wth a feather, | ||||
& as the oyle drinketh in so use it allwayes, & where you maye | ||||
percieve the place that ye sting was in, take one of ye snayles unpri- | ||||
cked, & lay it to the place: & allwayes beware that the swellinge | ||||
rise not to the heartewarde therefore let the place that is stonge lye | ||||
higher then the heade, & take a |
it on a linnen cloth of the bredth of an unche*, & bind it aboute yt place | ||||
where the sting is, towardes ye bodye, to preserve the swelling from ye harte, | ||||
if you give ye pty some methredatome* to eate it wilbe the better. | ||||
To take out the fire of a burning or scaldinge. 40. | ||||
Take the white of new layd egges, after ye quantity that the sore is, and | ||||
put it in a pewter dish & with a stone of roch allome* labour it about ye | ||||
dish till it come to a frothe, then take a fine linnen cloth & wet it in fine | ||||
oyle oliffe or for lacke of it froth greace or butter, & lay it nexte the | ||||
sore, then lay the froth upon the same cloth: & foure time dress it eve- | ||||
ning & morninge, & in that space ye fire will be out. | ||||
A soveraigne medicine for a burning or a scaldinge | ||||
called mother Cammockes* medicine. 41. | ||||
Take in May of dayseyes the rootes leaves & flowers, an handfull, & as | ||||
much of the inner barke of elders, of bryers such as beare the berries | ||||
a quarter of an handfull, & bruise them well in a mortar, then put | ||||
thereunto j lb; of clarifyed May butter mingle them together, & so set | ||||
them on ye fire | ||||
Note: No folio 14; this page seems to have been missing when the book was bound
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Transcribed by JW and LF