The firste booke. | ||||
Take of chervell one good handfull, & seeth it in a quarte of good claret | ||||
or red wine whole till the hearbes be well sodden, then wringe the | ||||
hearbes into the wine, & so cast them awaye: then make Ypocrasse* of the | ||||
same with sugar, sinamon, ginger, & most of the sinamon, & give | ||||
it her to drinke luke warme at any time of the day, & it will make her | ||||
throwes* goe awaye. | ||||
To staunch a wound from bleedinge, 26. | ||||
Take dryed vervin* made into powder, & so lay the powder into ye wound, | ||||
& it will staunch it. | ||||
Another for ye same. 27. | ||||
Take aleblaster*, & the white or cleare of an egge the fome skimmed of | ||||
mingle these well together & lay them upon flaxe & so lay it to ye wounde. | ||||
A water to abate proude flesh or to clense | ||||
a corrupt sore or wounde. 28. | ||||
Take a good handfull of Sage & wash them cleane, then take a posnet* with | ||||
a quarte of good ale or good strong beere & put your sage therein & a peice | ||||
of rock alome to the bignes of a wallnut, then seeth them all together till | ||||
it be halfe sod* away, then with some of that water, wash your sore when | ||||
you doe dresse it. | ||||
An other for the same. 29. | ||||
Take a pottle of fayre running water, with Sage & rosemary cropps of each | ||||
an handfull of woodbine leaves 2 handfulls, of roch allome* ½ one &dram; of English | ||||
hony 2 spoonefulls, of vineger 3 spoonefulls & wash therewith the sore, | ||||
& if it be in the mouth leave out the allome. | ||||
A soveraigne oyntement for aches & bruises. 30. | ||||
Take j lb of sage, j lb of rewe, di lb of wormewood, di lb of bay leaves then cut | ||||
them small, & after beate them in a mortar, & then take 3 lb; of Sweete | ||||
sewet* taken newe from the sheepe let it coole & mince it small & so put | ||||
it to the hearbes in the water then beate them together untill ye time ye sewet | ||||
be not seene but that the hearbes be all of one coloure, then take it out | ||||
of the mortar, & put it into a basin, then put thereunto a pottle* of sweete | ||||
oyle olife, then worke it with your handes into the hearbes untill they be | ||||
all of like softnes, & if you adde unto this 2 [dram]* of Aquavitae it wilbe the | ||||
better, then put it into an earthen pot & cover it close, & so keepe it 8 days, | ||||
then take & seeth it in a brazen pot on a softe fyre untill the time ye strenght | ||||
of the hearbes be gone, & thus you shall prove it, take a spoonefull of | ||||
the same, & put it into a new canvas cloth & so wring the iuice from | ||||
the hearbes & if at the last wringeing there cometh any liquor like a | ||||
brewe water, then it is not sodden* enough, for if it bee sodden enoughe | ||||
there will come nothing at the wringeinge but the oyntemente & in this | ||||
wise you shall |
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Transcribed by LF and JW