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Image 027, first book, folio 13a; remedies 19 to 25.

The first booke. fo. 13
Liber 1.
To cause one to make water though
it be stopt wt in one. 19.
Boyle Scabias* in fayer ronninge water
Take as muche powder of English Saffron, as of pure
blacke sope* mingled together, & so spreade it on the flesh side of white
leather*, & make thereof a playster, & lay it on the navell of the pati-
ent, & it will cause him to make water wthin an houre.
For the bloody fluxe 20.
Take milke & set it on ye fire: & when it seetheth*, then put into it
a peece of rock allome*, & then will arise a curde, they then take ye
whey & drinke it, & if your stomacke can beare it, eate the curde
To stoppe ye bloody fluxe. 21
Take pure red rose leaves dryed, & stampe them to powder verye
fine, & then take halfe as much fine pouder of Synamion*, as is
of that pouder of roses, then take fine white breade & make tosted
thereof, then take of good red wine, & soke ye tostes therin, & laye
the pouder on them, & so eate them fastinge, one tost or twoe & drinke
not after them by the space of 2 or 3 houres: & in li like manner
take them to bedwarde, & drinke not after them by the space afore- Ann
sayde & by 3 or 4 times usinge the patient shall finde remedye: and if Phipps
you have no roses ready dryed, take roses & dry them in an oven, or her Booke*
by the fire.
A speciall water for ye pestilence. 22.
Take of turmentill*, scabeas, detanye*, & pympernell, of each like muche,
& still them alltogether, for this is a chiefe water for all manner of
poyson, & namely for the pestilence: for as all philosophers saye,
it were unpossible that any man should dye of poyson or pestilence
that useth to drinke this water next his hearte.
A speciall water for the stone. 23.
Take strawberries & still* them, & the water of them is very good for
the stone: so say they which have prooved the same.
An oyntment for ye stone & ye collicke. 24.
Take in May the buddes of broome flowers neere the shooting di lb & picke
them cleane from the stalkes, & beate them in a mortar very small, &
mingle them with clarified May butter*, as much as you shall thinke
necessarye: & so keepe it 8 dayes close in a vessell, then seeth it & strayn
it, as the other oyntments are, & annoynte the patiente in the same
place where he is sorest warme.
A medicine for a woman which hath her
throwes before her time. 25.
James Phippes* Take of chervell one

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Transcribed by JW and LF