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Page 26, Inventory, John Rickardson, 20 May 1699, p 2; Will, Robert Swinburne, 27 April 1699, p 1

£: s: d
Item John Wigham 01: 19: 00
Item John Armestronge 01: 00: 00:
Item Wm Hewatson 00: 19: 00:
Item John Sheild 02: 04: 06
Item John Whitfd Mason 02: 11: 00:
Item Ralph Beinks 00: 13: 11:½
Item Mr Mr Nathaniell Burnand 03: 00: 00
Item Michaell Hindemas 00: 16: 08
Item Desperate Debts oweing by severall}
persons to ye Decd } 09: 10: 05
Debts oweing by ye party Decd
Imps To Tho Richardson 05: 00: 00:
Item funerall Expences 10: 00: 00
John Hutchinson Jo Dawson }
Wm Purdey & John Roddam }
In the Name of God Amen The Twenty Seaventh Day of
Aprill in ye Eleaventh Yeare of ye Reigne of our Sovaigne Lord William
ye Third by ye Grace of England, Scotland France & Ireland Defender
of ye Faith &c Annoq Dni 1699 I Robert Swinburne of Podsbanke in
ye Parish of Allendaile & County of Northumberland Yeom being sick
& Weak in Body but of good & perfect memory (praise be given to
Allmighty God for ye same) & calling to remembrance ye uncertaine
Estate of this Transitory life & that all flesh must submitt & Yeild
unto Death when it shall please God to call Doe make Constitute
ordaine & Declare this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme
following Revokeing & by these presents annulling all & every Testamt
& Testaments Will & Wills heretofore by me made & Declared either
by word or writeing and this only to be taken for my last Will and
Testament & none other. And first being penitent & sorry from
the Bottome of my heart for all my sins past most humbly Desireing
forgiveness of ye same, I Give & Commit my soule unto Almighty God
my maker, in whom and by ye meritts of Jesus Christ my saviour &
Redeemer, I trust and beleive assuredly to be saved, And to have
full pardon & remission of all my sins And that my soule wth
my Body at ye Generall Day of Resurrection shall rise again

Note: Also spelt Richardson

Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.

An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it.

Transcribed by KW and YR