The first booke .fo.12.a. | ||||
Liber 1 | ||||
To stanche bleedinge at the noose. 8. | ||||
Take the Joyce* of red nettell, and good red wyne of eache | ||||
lyke quantitye, and put there unto the powder of fayer whyte | ||||
chawlke, as will into halfe an hasell nutt, and luke warme | ||||
geve the pacient these of to drynke. | ||||
For lacke of hearinge 9. | ||||
Take cammamyll, mellilot, margerom, calamint, Isope, wormwood*, | ||||
penye royall, Sticados*, and mintes of eache an handfull, boyle | ||||
them together in fayer ronninge water by the space of an | ||||
hower, then take a spounge dypp it in the same water and | ||||
as hott as maye be suffered, hold it to yo eares so that the heate | ||||
maye enter into yor eares and head, then take cotten to stop | ||||
yor eares that no cold enter therein: | ||||
For toothe ache 10. | ||||
Take a quantitye of Isope*, cammamyll, and rosemarye, halfe | ||||
a pynte of vinegre, and as muche pellitorye water, camphyre | ||||
staveseacre and masticke of eache a drame* ij ownces of | ||||
Allome* iij sponefull of honye, then boyle them all together, and | ||||
therewt washe yor teeth and goomes therewt, twyse or thryse a | ||||
weeke: | ||||
For a saslse* flengme* or heigh coloured face. 11. | ||||
Take vj ounces of fyne clarifyed barrowes* grease but so | ||||
it touche no water, ij handfull of red sauge** gathered in | ||||
maye, stampe* them and boyle them well together tyll | ||||
you perceave it greene, then strayne it warme through | ||||
a lynnnen cloth, and when it is somewhat cold put there | ||||
unto the powder of chawlke, and fyne serced* brymestone** | ||||
of eache a drame* and an halfe, and styrre it together tyll | ||||
it come to a salve, then put it into boxes, and therew annoynte | ||||
the face as oft as neede is: | ||||
A water for the canker in a mans mouth: 12. | ||||
Take ij handfull of woodbynde* leaves, tyme* Isope and Sage | ||||
of eache an handfull ij or iij croppes* of rosemarye, and ij | ||||
spoonefull of honye, boyle all thes together in a pottell* of ronninge | ||||
water and in the seethinge* put thereunto a peece of roache | ||||
Allome* as bygge as a wallnutt, and wt that water washe | ||||
yor mouth, and the same is verye good also for the toothe ache: | ||||
For a canker in the tooth: 13. | ||||
Take herbe Robert |
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by JW and LF