The firste booke. | ||||
a cleane cloth of lynnen, when it is molten in the sunne | ||||
by one dayes space, and that wch is strayned out, is | ||||
that medicene that must be put into the eye of the pacient | ||||
byenge upright, by the space of one quarter of an hower. This | ||||
medicene maye not be made but in maye, and it may be | ||||
streyned In June, July and August. | ||||
For the same 5. | ||||
Take Betonye leaves, and the leaves and rootes of whyte | ||||
Dayses*, cleane washt, stampte**, and streyned, and droppe | ||||
that Forre twyse , or thryse a daye into the eye of the | ||||
patient. | ||||
To make syrrope of Elacampayne* | ||||
rootes, for all maner Coughes. 6. | ||||
Gather the same rootes in Maye, skrape them and washe | ||||
them cleane in manye waters, then |
fyer wt a gallon* of ronninge water, and seethe** it unto a | ||||
quarte* so that the rootes be verye tender, thent streyne | ||||
them, and waye the lycor, and waye as muche Sugar | ||||
as the lycor wayeth, and put it there unto, then set it | ||||
on the fyer agayne, and seeth it tyll it come to a syrrope, | ||||
and then put it into a glasse to keepe, and geve it either | ||||
cold or warme, at any tyme. | ||||
Mystres Dowles her medicene | ||||
for the stone*. 7 | ||||
Take Elecampayne rootes scrape them and washe them | ||||
verye cleane in many waters, then slyce them as you | ||||
doe radyshe rootes to eate then waye them, and to every | ||||
pownde wayght, put a pottell*, and a pynte* of fayer | ||||
ronninge water by wyne mesure, then put the water | ||||
and rootes into a fayer earthen pott, set them on the fyer | ||||
and let them seethe verye softlye, and be verye well | ||||
skymmed, when they be soe that one quarter of the | ||||
water be consumed, then put there into, iij quarters of | ||||
a pynte of some honye, and when it seeths take also | ||||
the skyme thereof and so let it boyle tyll it be lyke a | ||||
syrrope, then put thereof into a quarter of a pownde of | ||||
of fyne sugar beaten to powder, then put it into vyall | ||||
and let the pacient take thereof morninge, and eveninge, | ||||
and not to drynke nor eate in an hower or two after | ||||
the takynge thereof as the order of phisyke is, and it | ||||
shall both breake and voyde the stone shortlye after. | ||||
To stanche bleedinge at the |
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Transcribed by LF and JW