The first Booke fo.11.a. | ||||
Liber 1. | ||||
A Coppye of all suche medicenes where wt the | ||||
noble Countisse of Oxenford* most charitablye in | ||||
her owne person, did manye greate and notable | ||||
cures upon her poore neighbours. | ||||
For payne in the head. 1. | ||||
Take Aleehooffe* and seeth** it in fayer water then | ||||
put the water cleane from the herbes, and laye | ||||
the herbes, to the noddle* of yor head, and bynde | ||||
them on wt a fayer cloth. | ||||
For the migrime* in the eyes 2. | ||||
Take newe mylke and seeth it, and put it into a | ||||
bassen, then cover it wt a platter, and the water | ||||
that commeth on the platter when you take it of the | ||||
mylke, will helpe, yf you washe yor eyes and | ||||
browes therewt. | ||||
To make one sleepe. 3. | ||||
Take iiij sponefull of good vinegre, and ij sponefull | ||||
of rosewater, and as muche planten* water and ij | ||||
sponefull of the oyle of roses, and put these unto a | ||||
good quantitye of the cromes* of levened bread made | ||||
of wheate, and one handfull of the powder of dryed | ||||
rose leaves, as you thinke will make the lycor thicke, to | ||||
laye upon a lynnen cloth, and so laye it of length over ye | ||||
forehead and temples of the pacient from the one eare | ||||
tother, and so laye him on a bedd, makeinge no noise, and | ||||
wt in the space of one quarter of a hower he shalbe | ||||
full of sleepe: | ||||
For the pynne and the webb*. 4. | ||||
Take of herbe Christopher*, the stalkes toppes & leaves | ||||
of the length of ones fynger if they be so farre out, or | ||||
els as they be growene, a good quantitye, in the beginninge | ||||
of maye, and stampe them verye smale, then put | ||||
thereunto a good quantitye of maye butter* unsalted | ||||
mingle them all together, and stampe them in a fayer | ||||
platter or suche lyke cleane vessell, and so set them | ||||
daylye in the same vessell in the sonne, when it shyneth | ||||
cleare, by the space oof ij or iij mounthes tylle it be | ||||
rotten, and yf it be souer rotten, streyne it through | ||||
a cleane cloth of lynnen, | ||||
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by JW and LF