A prognostication. | ||||
is entred in [Virgo]* the 14 daye of the month. I must for every day past anye | ||||
entrye adde one degree. There are seaven dayes past that entrye, then | ||||
I conclude the sunne ready to have place in the 8 degree of [Virgo] ye 21 of Auguste. | ||||
To know how long the moone shineth. | ||||
For her shineinge in the encrease, multiply the age of the moone by 4. In the | ||||
wane augmente the rest of the age which shee lacketh of 30 by 4. & divide by | ||||
5. The quotient sheweth the howres: the remaynes if there be any, multi= | ||||
plied by 12 bringeth minutes to be added. | ||||
How the moveable feastes are found readily. | ||||
Seeke the chaunge of the moone in February, for that that yeare ye require | ||||
these moveable feastes. Note what day it falleth on, the nexte tuesdaye is | ||||
Shrove Tuesday. But if the chaunge be on tuesdays, the next tuesday ensue= | ||||
inge is it. The nexte Sundaye is the first Sundaye of Lent. Sixe Sundaies | ||||
after it Easter day. Adde 35 dayes, or five weekes to Easter day, yee have | ||||
Rogation Sunday. To that adde 4 dayes, so yee have Ascention day. Then have | ||||
yee 10 dayes to Whitsunday. Seaven dayes after is Trinity Sunday. And | ||||
foure |
Without tables, at all times to | ||||
know the tides. | ||||
Learne as is declared the age of the moone, allso remember the howre of the | ||||
full or chaunge, for your place or poynte which doth never varie: these | ||||
knowen, worke thus. | ||||
Ensample. | ||||
When the moone is 10 dayes olde, I desire to knowe at what of of ye clocke | ||||
it is full sea at London bridge. Multiply 10 by fourty eighte, so have ye 480: | ||||
divide that by 60, ye have eighte houres. To that adde three, which is the | ||||
howre of the full or chaunge appoynted for that place. All then cometh | ||||
unto eleaven of the clocke high water at London bridge. If anye thinge | ||||
remayne they are minutes of an howre. If the howres amounte above | ||||
twelve, cast the twelves awaye, the reste is your requeste. | ||||
These twoe rounde tables that nowe ensue,conduce to the rest follow= | ||||
inge. |
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by LF and JW