A prognostication | fo.4. | |||
colde and windie. Wednesday prime, wonderfull. Thursday prime, fayre and | ||||
cleare. Friday prime, mixte weather. Saterday prime, moyst weather. | ||||
Now ensue extraordinary tokens for the knowledge | ||||
of weather | ||||
Some have observed evill weather to followe, when as watrye foules leave the | ||||
sea, desireinge lande: the fowles of the land flyinge high: the crying of fowles | ||||
about waters makeing a greate noyse with theire winges: allso the seas swelling | ||||
with unaccustomed waves: If beastes eate greedilye: If they licke thiere hoves* | ||||
If they suddenlye move heere and there making a noyse, breatheing up to the | ||||
ayre with open nostrells: rayne followeth. And the busy heaveing of moules*: | ||||
the appearinge or comeinge out of wormes: hennes resorting to the pearch or | ||||
rest covered with dust, declare rayne. The ample workeinge of the spinner* | ||||
in the ayre: the ant busied with her eggs: the bees in fayre weather not farre | ||||
wandringe: the continuall prateinge of the crowe, chiefely twise or thrise quicke | ||||
callinge, shewe tempeste. When the crowe or raven gapeth agaynst the sunne | ||||
in summer, heate followeth. If they busy themselves in proyning* or washeing, | ||||
and that in winter, looke for rayne. The unaccustomed noyse of poultrye, the | ||||
noyse of swine, of peackes, declare the same. The swallowe flyinge & beating | ||||
the water, the chirpinge of the sparrowe in the morninge signify rayne. Rayne | ||||
suddenlye dryed up. Woody coverings streighter then of custome. Bels hearde | ||||
further then commonlye, the walloweinge of doggs, the alteration of ye cockes | ||||
croweinge, all declare raynye weather. I leave these, wanteinge the good | ||||
grownde of the reste. If the learned be desireous of the aforesayde, let | ||||
reade grave Virgill, Primo Georgiorum. At Bor. &c.* | ||||
Seing that I have nowe sufficiently declared howe, by what rules and tokens wea- | ||||
ther is iudged: I thinke it convenient to adioyne* heere a briefe collection, howe | ||||
Plentye, Scarcitye, Sicknesse, Deathe, Altecation, Troubles, Warres, &c are forever | ||||
perceived. | ||||
A rule to prognosticate the aforesayd by the | ||||
fallinge of Newyeares daye. | ||||
Sunday | It is affirmed of some, when Newyeares day falleth on the Sunday, then a pleasant | |||
winter doth ensue: a natural summer:fruite sufficient: harveste indifferent, yet | ||||
some winde and rayne: many marriages: plenty of wine and honye: death of yong | ||||
men, and cattell: robberies in most places, newes of prelates, of Kings, and cruell | ||||
warres in the ende. | ||||
Monday | On Monday, a winter somewhat uncomfortable: Summer temperate: no plenty of | |||
fruite: many fancies and fables opened: agues shall raigne: Kings and many others | ||||
shall die: Marriages shall bee in most places: and a common fall of gentlemen. | ||||
Tuesday | On Tuesday, a stormy winter: a wet summer: a divers harvest: corne and fruite | |||
indifferent, yet hearbes in gardens shall not flourishe: great sicknes of men, | ||||
women and young children. Beastes shall hunger starve, and dye of the botche*: | ||||
many shippes, gallies, and hulkes, shall be loste; And the bloudye fluxes shall | ||||
kill manye men: All things deare, save corne. | ||||
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Transcribed by JW