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Document 7, Part of undated Court Order (possibly 14 Jan 1778), p 1

and Whereas [s??d][???]
the said [??][???]
14th day of J[???]
repairing [c??]
presented by [???]
in convenient [??][??]
Sessions of the 14th d[??]
it further Enact[d?][???]
Justices of the peace in [???]
for the time being Shall and [???]
officers, workmen, Servants and others rebuild and repair any
Bridge or Bridges within the s’d County which have been built or
[repaired?] at the expence of the County as County Bridges [and?]
of which [Presentment?] [hath?] been made of the Insufficiency,
In[???], or want of reparation of such Bridge or Bridges
by the Grand Jury at some assizes or Sessions prior to the
said order of the Court of Sessions of Wed 14th day of January
1778 and the said Justices at their General Quarter Sessions
of the peace or any adjournment thereof shall from time to
time order and direct the payment of any Sum or Sums of money
that shall be [???] and collected by and from the County rates
and [???] and in the hands of the Treasurer of the County for
the time being, that shall be necessary and requisite for defraying
the expences of rebuilding or repairing such Bridge and or Bridges.

Note: Page badly torn, probably Mr Lowes' writing

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Transcribed by CTW and TB