A prognostication | ||||
allso alteration of weather, if they bee fewe in number, cloudye, and of litle | ||||
lighte. Further, when dimme starres appeare with long fierie tayles, iudge * | ||||
windes and greate droughte, the more in number, the greater effecte. When | ||||
starres in the nighte (as it is sayde) shoot or seeme to fall, it argueth winde in | ||||
that part. If in divers places, inordinate windes, if in all places, then pro= | ||||
nounce winds, thunder, lightnings, yea weather most tempestuous. | ||||
The Significations of comets. | ||||
Comets signifye corruption of the ayre. They are Signes of earthquakes, of wars | ||||
changeinge of kingdomes, greate death of corne, yea a common death of man | ||||
and beaste. Pontanus* writeth thus: The comets doe give sure signes of windes, they | ||||
threaten allso rumours of Warres, and cruell warre, they signifye allso the over= | ||||
throwe of mighty nations, the death of Kinges, & penurye of waters. | ||||
How by the cloudes, chaunge of | ||||
weather is perceived. | ||||
If thicke cloudes resembling flockes, or rather greate heapes of wooll, bee | ||||
gathered in manye places, they shew rayne. Allso, when grosse, thicke, darke | ||||
cloudes, righte over the north part, or somewhat declineinge to the west are | ||||
close with the earth, immediatelye followeth rayne. If they appeare like | ||||
hills, some deale from the earthe, a good token of weather overpassed. Blacke | ||||
cloudes signifie raine. White cloudes appeareinge in winter, at ye horizon, | ||||
two or three dayes together, prognosticate colde and snowe. | ||||
Of the raynebowe, and his effecte | ||||
toucheing alteration of ayre. | ||||
If in the morninge the raynebowe appeare, it signifieth moysture, unles great | ||||
droughte of ayre worke the contrarye. If in the eveninge it shewe it selfe, faire | ||||
weather ensuethe, so that aboundant moyst ayre take not away the efecte. | ||||
Or thus. | ||||
The rainebowe appeareinge, if it bee fayre, it betokeneth fowle weather : if foule, | ||||
looke for fayre weather. The greener, the more rayne: redder, winde. | ||||
Of thunders what they Signifie. | ||||
Thunders in the morninge, Signifie winde : About noone, rayne : In ye eveninge – | ||||
great tempest. Some write (theire grounde I see not) that Sundays thunder, | ||||
Coulde bringe the death of learned men, iudges, and others. | ||||
Mundayes thunder, the death of women. | ||||
Tuesdayes thunder, plenty of grayne. | ||||
Wednesdayes thunder, the death of harlots, and other bloodeshed. | ||||
Thursdayes thunder, plenty of sheepe and corne. | ||||
Fridayes thunder, the slaughter of a greate man, & other horrible murthers. | ||||
Saterdayes thunder, a generall pestilence plague, and greate deathe. | ||||
How weather is knowne after ye chaunge of | ||||
every moone by the prime daye. | ||||
Sunday prime, drye weather, munday prime, moiste weather. Tuesday prime, | ||||
colde, and |
Note: The contents of this page come from Digges page 6 and 6 verso
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by LF and JW