A prognostication fo.3 | ||||
a cloude, signifyeth rayne. Further, the Sunne at the setting playnelye seene | ||||
without any cloude, declareth a fayre nighte to ensue. | ||||
Heere note, Ptolome* willeth we diligentlye to observe the circle, or circles aboute | ||||
the sunne. If it be cleare, and the circle of no continuance, beholde fayre weather: | ||||
If manye of them, winde. | ||||
Windes more vehemente ore signified, if that the circles bee somewhat red, heere and | ||||
there broken: but these obscured, thicke, and blacke, looke for colde, winde, and snowe. | ||||
What is spoken of the sunne, touching the circles, the same is ment of ye moone. | ||||
Note heere that greater windes chaunce in the daye, then in the nighte. | ||||
How weather is declared by the colour of the moone, | ||||
and by the nature of the signe wherein shee is. | ||||
If the moone in the third of her chaunge, yea, three dayes before the full, or in the | ||||
middes of the quarter bee founde of pure lighte, nothing compassinge her, the ende | ||||
direct up, shee promiseth fayre weather, but bent to red colour, provoketh | ||||
winde. The moone pale or somewhat outlined to blacke, obscure or thicke, threat- | ||||
neth rayne. | ||||
Allso by the nature of the sygne, weather my be iudged, thus accordinge to Stefleri- | ||||
nus, Monte regius, Leupoldus, and famous Guido Bonatus*, with others well travailed | ||||
in the mutations of ayre. | ||||
Hote* | Consider the nature of the signe where the moone is at the chaunge, quarter and | |||
Earthye | full. If shee bee it hot and dry signed, as Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, in winter a | |||
Airye | good token of fayre weather: In summer a greate signification of immoderate heate: | |||
Watrie | if in earthye, colde and drye signes, as Taurus, Virgo, and Capricornus, in winter | |||
iudge colde, froste, and snowe to ensue: but in summer temperate weather. In ayry | ||||
and windy signes, as Gemini, Librar, and Aquarius, much winde. If in watry, colde | ||||
and moyste signes, as Cancer, Scopio, and Pisces, in winter wet weather: In | ||||
summer a pleasaunte temperature. | ||||
Allso, the sunne in Aquary: the moone at the chaunge there, or in Sagittarie, or at | ||||
the full in Leo, betokeneth rayne. The sunne in Pisces or Aries: the moone in Virgo, | ||||
Libra, or Sagittarie, signifieth rayne, especiallye in watrye dwellings. The moone | ||||
in Aquarius or Pisces, looke for chaunge of weather, then chiefely shee tronblesth ye | ||||
ayre. The moone allso at the chaunge, or rather at the full, in Aries, Libra, Scor- | ||||
pio or Pisces, tempestuous weather followeth. The Sunne in Aquary, in Aries, Libra, | ||||
or Scorpio, but chiefely in Leone: the moone then at the full, and that after rayne or | ||||
mislings, looke for lightninge, thunder, &c. To conclude, the moone in Cancer, Leo, | ||||
Capricornus, or Aquarius, ayded, with anye aspecte, but chieflye with opposition | ||||
or quadrat of Venus, rayne followeth. | ||||
The iudgment of ye Weather | ||||
by starres. | ||||
Beholde the starres whose magnitude you know best. If they appeare of much | ||||
lighte, in bignes greate, more blasenge then they are commonly it betokeneth | ||||
great winde or moysture in that parte where they shewe: in winter, colde & | ||||
froste. When starres seeme to runne in the elements, it sheweth wind. Afirme | ||||
allso alteration | ||||
Note: The content of this page come from Digges page 5 verso (see Introduction)
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by JW