A prognostication | ||||
Wilkokes uppone all ye Psalmes o———————————————————–iij s* | ||||
Micahell Coope uppon ye proverbes o——————————————————– vj s* | ||||
A necessary and perfect rule to knowe the | ||||
beginning and ending of every tearme*, wt | ||||
theire returnes*. | ||||
Hillarye tearme beginneth the 13 day of Januarye,(if it be not Sunday) which | ||||
so beinge, it is then deferred untill the daye followeinge, and endeth ye 12 of | ||||
February, which tearme hath 4 returnes, that is to saye, | ||||
Octavis Hillarie. } { Crast. Purifica.* | ||||
Quind. Hillarie. } { Octav. Purifica. | ||||
Easter tearme beginneth, 17 dayes after Easter, and endeth the munday next | ||||
after the ascention day, and hath five returnes, that is to saye, | ||||
Quind Pascae, } { Quinque Pasche. | ||||
Tres. Pascae,} Mense Pasche { Crastin. Ascen. | ||||
Trinity tearme beginneth the fridaye nexte after trinitye sundaye, and endeth the | ||||
Wednesday forthnigh after, and hath fowre returnes, that is to saye, | ||||
Crast. trinitatis. } { Quind. trinitatis. | ||||
Octav. trinitatis. } { Tres. Trinitatis. | ||||
Michaellmas tearme beginneth the 9 of October (if it be not Sunday, as is |
aforesayde) and endeth the 28 of November, and hath 8 returnes, viz. | ||||
Octav. Micha. } { Crast. Anima. | ||||
Quind. Micha. } { Crast. Mart. | ||||
Tres. Micha. } { Octa. Mart. | ||||
Mens. Micha. } { Quind. Mart. | ||||
Note allso that the exchequer openeth eighte dayes before any tearme begin, |
excepte trinitie tearme, in which it openeth but fowre dayes before. | ||||
How to iudge of weather by the sunne riseinge, | ||||
or goeinge downe : | ||||
The sunne in the horizon or riseinge, cleare and brighte, sheweth a pleasaunte daye: | ||||
but thinlye overcast with a cloude, betokeneth foule weather. Allso at the goeing | ||||
downe, the body diverslye coloured or red, and aboute dispersed with like cloudes, | ||||
the beames red, and of lengthe, pronounce greate windes, the nexte daye from that | ||||
parte. Blackenes in the sunne or moone, betokekeneth water: Red signifieth winde. | ||||
The elemente red in the eveninge, the nexte day fayre: but in the morning red, | ||||
winde and rayne. Allso the sunne beames spotted greene, pale, or blacke, gathered to | ||||
a cloude, | ||||
Note: The content of this page come from Digges pages 37, with additional notes, and page 5
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by LF and JW