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Document 1, p 2

Xmas Sess 1[h?] Janry 1767
Bridge over Tyne at Hexham. A Petition being
presented to this Sessions from several of the Inhabitants
of the Town of Hexham in this County and the
neighbourhood thereof and recommended to the
Bench by the Grand Jury praying that this
Bench would order such a Sum of Money to be
paid towards building the said Bridge and woud
grant such other Aid as should pseem proper
It is therefore agreed and order’d that the
Treasurer of this County shall pay to Sir Walter
Blackett Bart or his order towards Building the
said Bridge, and defraying other expenses
arising in Consquence of building the same the
Sum of One thousand Pounds the same to be
paid by four equal payments, the first whereof
to be made at the Sessions next following the
beginning to build the said Bridge and the other
three payments to be made in three years then
after (that is to say) One in each year, the same
payments to be made on Condition that the said
Bridge shall be made a free Bridge for all his
Majesties Subjects having Occasion to pass that
Way, and on Condition that the said Bridge shall
be maintained without expence to this County for
the Term of seven Years from time of Compleating
the building thereof at the expiration of which Term

Note: Authorisation for original bridge, 16 January 1767, p 2

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Transcribed by CTW and TB