The Seaventh Booke
Title Taken out of a booke intitled ‘A thousand notable things of sundrye sortes’. The book referred to is by Thomas Lupton, first printed 1579, and the remedies as far as the middle of folio 106b are all selected from its first few pages. Follow this link for, a digital copy of the 1627 edition, and this one for a transcription.
- Image No 205; folio 105a. 1. To helpe synewes; 2. To helpe chipped lippes; 3. To help deafenes; 4. To helpe the Spleene; 5. To make a horse fall downe deade; 6. To get a pretious stone out of a snake; 7. How to keepe wine from thunder; 8. To knowe who shall have the palsye; 9. To take awaye a wen.
- Image 206; folio 105b 10. To heale a bruise or hurte;11. To draw out wood or iron out of the fleshe; 12. To preserve ye teeth from rottinge; 13. To drive awaye infested ayres; 14. To make good aumber; 15. Agaynst pollution in the nighte.
- Image 207; folio 106a; 16. Cautarides applied made one pisse bloude; 17. A straunge vertue of the burre leafe; 18. A salve made of ale helped sores & aches; 19. Dockes makes toughe fleshe to be tender; 20. To knowe who is infect with the plurisye; 21. They that have the quartayne, shall not have the falling sicknes; 22. Oyle keeps wine from corrupting; 23. The coals of a birch tree sealeth woundes.
- Image 208; folio 106b; 24. Greate heede oughte to bee taken of childrens navelle strings when they bee cut; 25. To helpe them that cannot holde theire water; 26. The member of generation doth followe the proportion of the navel stringe cutte; 27. To make a minsed pye of fresh eyle & perches; 28. To make a pye of fleare.
- Image 209; folio 107a; 29. To bake a pye of Linge; 30. To bake a Pickerell 31. To bake a gambel of bacon.
- Image 210; Folio 107b; 33. A Sauce for a Caipon; To make oyle of walnuts; An excellent water for a consumption & almost all inward greifes;
- Image 211; folio 108a; To frye Lambs feete; To boyle Lambes feete; To boyle a mallard; Soppes for chekins with Damsons.
- Image 212; folio 108b; To make a Sallet of Beete or Spinage; To make a drawing and a healing salve; An excellent water to wash the face and hands.
- Image 213; folio 109a; The Kinge of Frances Balsom; The vertus of this ointment.
- Image 214; folio 109b; An ointment for itch or scabs though it be Leaprosy or any such umer; For the stone in the Bladder; A receipt for sore eyes.
- Image 215; folio 110a; To take letters out of paper without hurting it and soe as noe body canne prove; Pro flux ventris : For flux of the stomach: A very good Balme of a phisihan belonging to the University at Padua.
- Image 216; folio 110b; A Balme for Greene wounds or payne in the body; A plaster for woundes.
- Image 217; folio 111a; Pills for the Collicke & stone; To pfume gloves after the Spanish fashion; A Cordiall powder to take after meals to comfort a rawe stomacke
- Image 218; folio 111b; To purge brasse; For the Toothach; For the Cluphire.
- Image 219; folio 112a; An admirable electuary for the stomacke and other diseases; To Cure Madnesse; To take away the Itching of a wound.
- Image 220; folio 112b; A fume for Morbus Gallicus; A good secret for the Fluxe; A good powder for any impediment in the mouth but especially to strengthen the teeth; An unguent of Quicksilver to cure the Poxe; A Dissicative unguent for wound
- Image no 221; folio 113a; A Cataplasme; A rare distilled oyle for many infirmitys; An oyntment for the Scabb.
- Image no 222; folio 113b; mr Wilds receait for sore eys; mrs Goddards receipt for sore eys.
- Image no 223; folio 114a; An oyntment to helpe swellings spheres Aches and the goute and all obstructions.
- Image no 224; folio 114b; A remedy for a consumption.
- Image no 225; folio 115a; A Cerot of Alguares, a Portugall Phisition; The vertues for wormes tumors; An unguent (ointment) for the Sciatica.
- Image no 226; folio 115b; An approved good oyntment for the Flux scalding & burning Aches banishes squatts and such like things & for greene wounds; To help to deliver a woman; A rare vinigar against the Plague.
- Image no 227; folio 116a; An electuary for the Catarrhe and lost voice; To save a woman from a mischance; A Dyet very good for the french pox ; For cooling of a hott liver : by Dr Lill; For stopping of the liver; A medicine or Phisicke drinke for Cough or Consumption.
- Image no 228; folio 116b; Against all Drye Coughes; A Delicate Powder for the face; A Fucus for the face A Breast salve.
- Image no 229; folio 117a; To take away spotts out of any cloth; An oyntment good for many Diseases; To make hayres growe; for the gowte .
- Image no 230; folio 117b; Dredge Powder ; To make hayres fall away; For ulcers in the yard; Purging Syrop for upwards and downwards; Captain greens watter… for eyes seatca and other grate wonds; A very good plaster to drawe back rume from the eyes.
- Image no 231; folio 122a; A drinke made for them that had the Eresipilas; To Take away the rednese of the poxe after they be gon.
- Image no 232; folio 122b; An aproved medison for any itch whatsoever and scabs; A speciall medison for one that cannot make watter.
- Image no 233; folio 123a; Receite for the stone; Receit to wash those that have the small poxe; A not to make learned of Sir Georg Vauhan; An aproved medisin for a great bely and tinpany
- Image no 234; folio 123b; Receipt to stay the rume from falling to the eyes; Purgation for the gout and at other times being good for any watterish diseas; A receipt of the searcloth
- Image no 235; folio 124a; A medison for a tetter or ringworm; For the whits a deaseas incident to women; For the head ach and swelling in the head necke and throte.
- Image no 236; folio 124b; Receipt for clenseing the blood and stoping at the stomacke and for the green sicknesse; A composition of great vertue against all ulceres and sores; To make a Desolutive plaster of great vertue.
- Image no 237; folio 125a; To make a maturitive Plaster of great vertue; For the Quartaine Ague
- Image no 238; folio 125b; A plaster for Aches and to stope any humer for falling to any sore; Receite for the ruming of the reignes:
- Image no 239; folio 126a; To bring the desiered sicknesse to a woman; For the ruming of the reighns; and to strenthen the body; A purg learned of a french phisition.
- Image no 240; folio 126b; A poultise for all sorts of Impostumations and ulcers; An excelent sweet bagg.
- Folio 127 a and b missing
- Image no 241, folio 128a; For the tisick and cough; For a spraine; A sercloth to laye to the spraine after the poultise afor mentioned
- Image no 242, folio 128b; A salve for all sores and for swellings learned of goodman Lee; A not how to stewe oysters from Mrs Lenthall
- Image no 243, folio 129a; Certayne recipes taken out of a manuscript made by Dr Mayerne and others; To make a coole water for a consumption; To make an excellent sort of fruit of liquorish; My Lady Chambers playster for a bruise; for the goute; To Dissolve the stone from the bladder; for flushings or any heate in hands or face; A cordiall to gett one a good stomacke; To cure a gout.
- Image no 244, folio 129b; When any part of the head achs; To cure Drynes and Thirstines & to get a stomacke; To keepe one from the stone; To cure any thirst in fevers; To cure the stone or gravil in the kydny; The Lady Stonehouse for a whitlow; To cure Agues; To cure the black jaundice
- Image 245, folio 130a; For a consumption; To cure ye riginge of the mother; To cure an ague; To make one younger and to preserve from all infection; For an itch that is Drywatery; Dr Lapworth in reume of the eyes and head.
- Image 246, folio 130b; An excellent Watter for the eies; To cure the desstriesse of the eare; For the falling sicknesse absolutely cures children of convulsion fits; A ser cloth for sprain or bruse
- Image 247, folio 131a, For a could or cough; For one in a Consumption; A salve for a greene Wounde; Or for a bracse
- Image 248, folio 131b; A receite to make a cake learned of my lady Blooder; A watter for the Leprosie
- Image 249, folio 132a; A sercloth for weaknesse in the backe or any weaknesse in ioynts or for the gout or any swelling A very good watter for a fetter
- Image 250, folio 132b, A watter to wash face and hands; A good drinke for the heat of the liver and lights and lounges; and to cumforte all the vitall spritts:
- Image 251, folio 133a; A salve very rare for any sore or any hott swellinge; An oyntment for an itch or tetter or any such Leprosie & more learned of Doctor kinge
- Image 252, folio 133b; A watter for to take a way the morphew or any staines of the skine learned of Mr John Young; A receite for the greene sicknesse and for many other diseases learned of Mr Young; A watter for a surfite or to drive any thing form the harte when on is opressed with any sickenesse
- Image 253, folio 134a; A receipt that was taught the Lady Smith for an ulcer in her kidnese; A purg all most for all diseases learned of Docter Winstone; A watter to cuer any canker learned of goodman Wiborn
- Image 254, folio 134b; For any rednesse or an ague; An oyntment for the itch or scurfe on a mans body; A sercloth for any swelling carbucle or ach
- Image 255, folio 135a; for a bourne; A powder for a cough learned of Mr Hobs; A poultise for a swelling or a spraine; A receite for the gout taught by a gentleman at the bull head tavern in Southwarke; Another if the aforesaid cannot be had.
- Image 256, folio 135b; A watter for sore eyes; Mother Johnsons receite for any itching vomer or for Leprosy or such like diseases
- Image 257, folio 136a; A drinke for a horse that hath the Fations; for the cough or for a consumtion; A receit for sore eye to clear the sight and take a way any felm
- Image 258; folio 136b; for the toothacke; for the tisike
- Image 259, folio 137a; A receite learned of Sergent Church to make a fatt man or woman leane
- Image 160, folio 137b; An ointment for scabs itch tetters or leprosie or any breakinge out learned of Mr William Whitwell; A watter to wash the scabs or tetter before you use this oyntment above writen
- Image no 261, folio 138a; To wash the scabs or tetters before you us this oyntment; for any swelling what so ever; for a spraine
- Image no 262, folio 138b; A pouder to eat dead flesh out of any sore what ever; to kill a ringworme or tetter; for an itch to kill it
- Image no 263, folio 139a; Mrs Fields receit for the kings evell; The purging drinke; Mrs Loriners receits for an itch; For a dry itch; Another for the itch or sore head
- Image no 264, folio 139b; For a scaldhead; An other for a scald head An other salve for a scald head; For the head ache; For deafnes or paine in the eares
- Image no 265, folio 140a; for a sore mouth and to fasten the teeth when they be losse; For a stuffing or a consumcion; For the stoping of urine; For the worms
- Image no 266, folio 140b; To make popy watter for a surfitt; A Cordiall watter; for sore eys or to wash any sore what ever
- Image no 267, folio 141a; For the headach; For the black or yellow ganders; For a fellon; For deaffnes or paine in the ears; To heale a wen; for the tooth ach
- Image no 268, folio 141b; A precious thing to brake the stone; to take away the greefe and eldest paine of the head; To cure perfitly the blacke fandies
- Image no 269, folio 142a; To stop the blody fluxe; for the sciatica; for the palsey and goute
- To plucke out thorns prickes or any other thing out of the body or any part
- Image no 270, folio 142b; To heale a scald head; That scalding or burning be not seene and to heale it speedily; A notable healp for the memory; To help the palsey
- Image no 271, folio 143a; A notable secret for all incurable aches; for the itch or leprosie or any such umer; a greene salve to heale any sore made of Inglish tobaccow
- Image no 272, folio 143b; for a fistilow
- Image no 273, folio 144a; For the green sicknes; to heale a wen; pills that helpes the heade ache brings gladnesse and are good for the sight; for the biting of any venemous beast and venemouse shots of darts or arrows
- Image no 274, blank page