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Transcript of page 45

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Freemen’s names. Trades. Guild Places of Abode. County 1780 1784 Notes
R B D B R Bg Ab Ag
Saint Thomas Upholsterer Upholsterers and Tinplateworkers Newcastle Newcastle X 1 1
Salkeld Francis Plumber Plumbers and Glaziers Dukesfield Northumberland X 1 1
Suppose Salkeld John Plumber Plumbers and Glaziers Dukesfield Northumberland 1 1 1 1 Suppose
Sample John Joiner Joiners Cullercoats Tyne and Wear X 1 1 ab Split
Sanderson George Bricklayer Bricklayers, Wallers and Plaster Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 pr pr if {?Pinchd}
Sanderson Henry b.o. Bricklayer Bricklayers, Wallers and Plaster Newcastle Newcastle X 1 pr if required will not prom
Sanderson Richard Shipwright Shipwright Woolwich Within modern London X 1pr
Sanderson Thomas Mariner Mariners Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 pr 1 1
Sanderson William Slater Tylers and Slaters Newcastle Newcastle X 1
x Sanderson William Weaver Weavers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 pl if wanted F
Sayers John Smith Smiths London London 1 1
Sayers Robert Plumber Plumbers and Glaziers Ballast Hills Tyne and Wear X
Scafe Edward Merchant Merchant Adventurers Higham Cockle parks Northumberland 1 1 1 not promised B if necessary
Scafe John Glazier Plumbers and Glaziers London London 1 1
Scafe William Merchant Merchant Adventurers Newcastle Newcastle X 1 1
Scott Henry Joiner Joiners London London X 1 pr
Scott Henry Hoastman Hostmen Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1
Scott John Smith Smiths Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 not promd
Scott John Weaver Weavers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1 wont prom
? Scott John Esq Hoastman Hostmen London London 1 1 1
Scott Richard Shipwright Shipwright South Shields Tyne and Wear 1 1 1 not prom. Doubtf
Scott Robert Goldsmith Goldsmiths Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 ab
Scott Robert Cordwainer Cordwainers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 ag
Scott Thomas Shipwright Shipwright South Shields Tyne and Wear 1 1 1 1 probably Bo:
Scott Thomas Weaver Weavers Newcastle Newcastle X ag
Scott Thomas Weaver Weavers Newcastle Newcastle X
Scott Thomas Barb. Surg. Barber Surgeons Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1pr ag
Scott William Slater Tylers and Slaters Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1 will not promise
Scott William L.L.D. Hoastman Hostmen London London 1 1 1
Seaton Henry Goldsmith Goldsmiths London London 1 1 Hole in ?the Wall
Selby William Hoastman Hostmen London London 1 1
11 Selby William Cordwainer Cordwainers Whitgift Yorksh. East Yorkshire 1 1 1 F Wm Selby rec
Selby William Cordwainer Cordwainers Newcastle Newcastle X 1 pr all the three {2
Shadforth George Merchant Merchant Adventurers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
Shadforth Henry Merchant Merchant Adventurers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1 agt
Shadforth Thomas Mariner Mariners Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1
Mort Shafto Thomas Esq Hoastman Hostmen Dunston Tyne and Wear 1 1
Mort Sharp Anthony Tanner Tanners Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
Sharp George Tanner Tanners Northum. Militia unknown X 1 Pr if {…} for it
Sharp Robert Mariner Mariners London London 1 1
Sharp Robert Baker & Br. Bakers and Brewers London London 1 1
Sharp Thomas Tanner Tanners Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 ab will not promise
Sharp Thomas Butcher Butchers Washington Tyne and Wear 1 1 ag
{?Semple} Wm Hs Car House Carpenters {?Ncl} Sandgate within modern Newcastle 1 1
Selby Jno Corder Cordwainers Nl Newcastle or Northumberland? 1 Pr
Scurfield Richd Joiner Joiners 1 Pr ab
Scurfield Wm Merchant Merchant Adventurers
Sharp John Mar. Mariners Ncl Newcastle
Scott Jonathan {…..}
Sanderson Wm Mar. Mariners Nl Newcastle
Sandorson James
{…..} Semple John ag
Sandorson P{….} B. Surg Barber Surgeons Durham County Durham not prom
Scurfield John Howdon pans Tyne and Wear Ship Squirrell
Sanderson Peter N Shields Tyne and Wear 1 B Prd
(The following entries are on the facing page)
Sanderson John London London 1 Pr
?Scarsho John D County Durham 1 Split
Scott Wm London London 1 Split
this page transcribed by Christopher Walton

Transcription copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne