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Freemen’s names. Trades. Guild Places of Abode. County 1780 1784 Notes
R B D B R Bg Ab Ag
Alder Cuthbert Butcher Butchers London London X 1pr
Alder George Butcher Butchers Newcastle Newcastle X 1
West Heddon Alder John Butcher Butchers Haydon Bridge Northumberland X 1 Pr {????} prom
Alder Mark Butcher Butchers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 not prom
Alder Thomas Butcher Butchers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 Pr if necessary
Alderson Roger Mariner Mariners Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
Allen James Merchant Merchant Adventurers Darlington County Durham 1 1
Allen John Smith Smiths London London X 1 Split
Allen Ralph Cordwainer Cordwainers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 not prom
Allen Thomas Hoastman Hostmen Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 ag
Mort Allen William Joiner Joiners Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
Almory John Shipwright Shipwright North-Shore ?Tyne and Wear 1 1 1 1 ag
Anderson Andrew Weaver Weavers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1
Anderson Anthony Joiner Joiners East Rainton County Durham 1 1 1 at Sea
Anderson Barthol. Bricklayer Bricklayers, Wallers and Plaster Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1 {?abs}
Anderson Charles Butcher Butchers Belsay {?Nl} Northumberland 1 1 1 1
Anderson Edward Merchant Merchant Adventurers Newcastle Newcastle X 1 1 agt
Custom Ho Anderson George Baker & Br. Bakers and Brewers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
Anderson George Bricklayer Bricklayers, Wallers and Plaster Newcastle Newcastle X 1 1 abst
Anderson George Taylor Tailors Norton County Durham X
Mort Anderson Gilbert Roper Ropemakers Dentshole Northumberland X
Anderson James X Barb Surg Barber Surgeons Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1 F to be applie
Anderson John Joiner Joiners Newcastle Newcastle X
Anderson John Mariner Mariners Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1
Anderson John Saddler Saddlers London London X
Anderson John Mariner Mariners Team Tyne and Wear 1 1 1 Pr
Anderson John Joiner Joiners Houghton-le-Spring} County Durham 1 1
Anderson John, Jun. Joiner Joiners Houghton-le-Spring} County Durham 1 1
Anderson John Baker & Br. Bakers and Brewers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
Anderson Ralph Barb Surg Barber Surgeons Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 Pr {?D}
Mort Anderson Thomas Mariner Mariners Gateshead Tyne and Wear 1 1
Anderson Thomas Barb Surg Barber Surgeons Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1
Anderson Tho. jun. Mariner Mariners Gateshead Tyne and Wear 1 1 1 {?P}
Anderson William Baker & Br. Bakers and Brewers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
Anderson William Butcher Butchers Newcastle Newcastle X 1 1 ag
Anderson William Mariner Mariners Team Team {???} Tyne and Wear X 1 {?Pd} at Sea at {?Team}
Andrew John Merchant Merchant Adventurers Scot-House Tyne and Wear 1 1
Andrew Nicholas Barb Surg Barber Surgeons Gateshead Tyne and Wear 1 1 1 1 ag
Angus Anthony Skin. & Glov. Skinners and Glovers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1 {?Do}
Angus Anthony Skin. & Glov. Skinners and Glovers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1
Mort Angus Edward Skin. & Glov. Skinners and Glovers Styford Northumberland 1 1 Chollerford
Alder George Cordw Cordwainers not promised
Anderson Thomas Bricklr Bricklayers, Wallers and Plaster 1p 1p London
Alder Wm Mariner Mariners 1 } don’t prom but
Alexander Robert Mariner Mariners
Anderson {?Wm} and Anderson {?Harry} have not got their guilds but will both vote for B if they got them F Antho Anderson Guilds stopt
Allen Samuel at London
Anderson Matt Mar. Mariners Gateshead Tyne and Wear 1
Anderson {?Jno} Mar. Mariners Do. Tyne and Wear 1
Anderson Jas Mar. Mariners Bristol North Somerset 1 Pr with his Mother
Anderson Percival 1 pr
this page transcribed by Chris Walton

Transcription copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne