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Transcript of page 23

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Freemen’s names. Trades. Guild Places of Abode. County 1780 1784 Notes
R B D B R Bg Ab Ag
Gatis John Feltmaker Feltmakers and Curriers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1 ag
Gatonby Michael Mason Masons Fellingshore Tyne and Wear 1 1 1 pr split
Mort? Gee Clement Roper Ropemakers Dentshole Northumberland X
Gee Robert Merchant Merchant Adventurers London London 1 1
Gee Thomas Bricklayer Bricklayers, Wallers and Plaster London London X at Greenland
Gentle William Roper Ropemakers Newcastle Newcastle X beyond London
Gentle John Taylor Tailors London London 1 1
Gibson Benjamin Mason Masons Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 abj
Gibson Bird Cordwainer Cordwainers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 abj
Mort Gibson Henry Barb Surg Barber Surgeons Newcastle Newcastle X
Mort Gibson Jeffery Butcher Butchers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
Gibson John Joiner Joiners Hawkshead Cumbria Cumbria 1 1
Gibson John Upholsterer Upholsterers and Tinplateworkers North Shields Tyne and Wear 1 1 ag favors
Gibson John b o Shipwright Shipwright Newcastle Newcastle X on board the B{?}
Gibson John Joiner Joiners Whickham Tyne and Wear X 1{?} if wanted
Gibson Joseph Butcher Butchers Newcastle Newcastle X 1{?} split
Gibson Lancelot Butcher Butchers Newcastle Newcastle X
Gibson Ralph Shipwright Shipwright Newcastle Newcastle X ag
Gibson Robert Mariner Mariners GatesheadSundd Tyne and Wear 1 1 split at
Gibson Thomas Butcher Butchers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1
Gibson William Scrivener Scriveners Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 split
Gibson William Butcher Butchers Newcastle Newcastle X 1 spt
Gilchrist Robert Weaver Weavers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 ag
Gilhespy John Mariner Mariners Tynemouth Tyne and Wear 1 1
Gilhespy Luke Mason Masons Newcastle Newcastle X 1
Gill Thomas Smith Smiths Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1 {?2nd}
Mort Glover Joseph Bricklayer Bricklayers, Wallers and Plaster Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
Glover William Joiner Joiners Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 ag
Golightly George Smith Smiths Whitby North Yorkshire X
Godrick John Joiner Joiners Newcastle Newcastle X 1 pr ab
Gothard Stephen Shipwright Shipwright North Shields Tyne and Wear X 1
Graham John Upholsterer Upholsterers and Tinplateworkers London London 1 1
Graham John Shipwright Shipwright Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 One of them is d
Graham Joseph Smith Smiths Dunston Tyne and Wear 1 1 1 1 Willington Key
Graham Michael Smith Smiths Scotchwood within modern Newcastle X 1 1 Willington Key
Graham Michael Smith Smiths Gateshead Tyne and Wear 1 1
Graham Robert Smith Smiths Elswick Foot within modern Newcastle X 1 1 Willington Key
Graham Robert Smith Smiths Elswick within modern Newcastle 1 1 1 Pr
Mort Grainge Brignell Barb Surg Barber Surgeons Sunniside Tyne and Wear 1 1
Green Edward Slater Tylers and Slaters London London 1 1
Green John Smith Smiths Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1
Green John jun Smith Smiths Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1
Green John House Carp House Carpenters Newcastle Newcastle X 1
Gillespy Rob Butcher Butchers B pr will not promise
Gibson Thos Hoastman Hostmen 1
Gibson Thos Mariner {?} Hindmarsh Mariners 1 pr {?Sunderld} {?2n
Gibb William Mariner Mariners 1 not yet free
Gibson Joseph {?D} not prom
Green Christr Shipt Shipwright not prom
Graham {?} {?} 1 1
Gilroy Wm Sunderland Tyne and Wear ab at sea expected
Gibson Edw Bar Surg Barber Surgeons 1
Green John Cordwainer Cordwainers not pd
Gibson Wm No Shields Tyne and Wear aj
Goddart Stephen No Shields Tyne and Wear 1
(The following entries are on the facing page)
Goodfellow Andrew Ship { Bay?} & Mary
Gibson Saml Sandys Guild Stopt
this page transcribed by Pam Farrin

Transcription copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne