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Transcript of page 22

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Freemen’s names. Trades. Guild Places of Abode. County 1780 1784 Notes
R B D B R Bg Ab Ag
Forster James Baker & Br Bakers and Brewers Morpeth Northumberland 1 1 1 1 ab
Forster James Smith Smiths Spinham Land unknown 1 1
Forster John Butcher Butchers Corsenside within modern Newcastle 1 1
Forster John Baker & Br Bakers and Brewers Chester Hope Northumberland 1 1
Forster Joseph Cordwainer Cordwainers London London X p
Forster Lionel Baker & Br Bakers and Brewers Corsenside within modern Newcastle 1 1 1 in Morpeth Gaol
Forster Michael Butcher Butchers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 a {?prom}
Forster Michael Cooper Coopers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1
Forster Richard Butcher Butchers Monkton County Durham 1 1 will not prom
Forster Robert Baker & Br Bakers and Brewers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1
Forster Robert Mariner Mariners London London X
Forster Thomas Saddler Saddlers London London 1 1
Custom house Forster Thompson Tanner Tanners North Shields Tyne and Wear X
Forster alias Fewster William Slater Tylers and Slaters Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1
Forster William Baker & Br Bakers and Brewers Corsenside within modern Newcastle X
Forsyth Lewis Slater Tylers and Slaters Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1 ag{?}
Fox William Smith Smiths Stains, Middlesex Surrey X {?}
Frank Thomas Mariner Mariners North Shields Tyne and Wear X at Greenland
Franks John Cordwainer Cordwainers Newcastle Newcastle X not promised
Franks Richard Taylor Tailors Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1
Frazer Robert Feltmaker Feltmakers and Curriers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1
French George Smith Smiths North Shields Tyne and Wear X 1 1 ag
French Gregory Mason Masons London London 1 1
French John Goldsmith Goldsmiths London London 1 1
Mort French John Scrivener Scriveners Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
French Joseph Smith Smiths Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 wont promise
French Robert Mariner Mariners London London X 1
French Tho Jefferys Smith Smiths London London 1 1 {?} split {?which li
Friend Ralph X Mariner Mariners Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 F Mr Friend is
{?} Forster{?} Farmer unknown 1{?} if wanted =will
Gale John Barb Surg Barber Surgeons Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1
Galley John House Carp House Carpenters Gateshead Tyne and Wear 1 1 1 {?}
Gamsby Edward Butcher Butchers Gateshead Tyne and Wear X 1 {?} not prom
Custom house Garland David Smith Smiths Newcastle Newcastle X
Custom house Garland Gamuld Joiner Joiners London London 1 1
Garland Joshua Midd Smith Smiths Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
Garrett Thomas Shipwright Shipwright Gateshead Tyne and Wear 1 1 {?} ab
Garret William Cooper Coopers Berwick Northumberland 1 1 1 wife says he wil
Galloway Jos {?} Newcastle{?} Newcastle 1 if split upon Ri
Forster Jos{?} B & Brewer Bakers and Brewers Morpeth Northumberland 1 ag
{?} Fothergill Geo{?} Mar Mariners
Forster Wm{?} So Shields Tyne and Wear ab
Forsyth Thomas{?} {?} {?}
(The following entries are on the facing page)
French Robert Shipw Shipwright {?} 1

Transcription copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne