Poll Book transcription

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Transcript of page 15

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Freemen’s names. Trades. Guild Places of Abode. County 1780 1784 Notes
R B D B R Bg Ab Ag
Coulter Robert Merchant Merchant Adventurers Newcastle Newcastle X 1 1
Consett Matthew Mariner Mariners Normanby {?} North Yorkshire 1 1
Cowley John Weaver Weavers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1
Cox George Barb Surg Barber Surgeons Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 not promise Sadler
Cox Thomas Shipwright Shipwright Howdon Pans Sundd Tyne and Wear 1 1 1 Pewterer
Custom house Cox William Pewterer Plumbers and Glaziers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
Coxon John Mariner Mariners Glasshouses Tyne and Wear 1 1 1 {?}
Coxon Robert Shipwright Shipwright Scarbrough North Yorkshire X ag
Coxon Robert Shipwright Shipwright Newcastle No Shds Newcastle/ Tyne and Wear X 1 {?}
Coward Humphrey Mariner Mariners Cullercoats Tyne and Wear 1 1
Craster Shaftoe Merchant Merchant Adventurers Craster Northumberland X 1 1
Mort Craster Thomas Mariner Mariners Newcastle Newcastle 1 1
Cram Andrew Shipwright Shipwright Dentshole Northumberland X 1 promd {?}
Cram Andrew Sailmaker Sailmakers Newcastle Newcastle X 1 1 {?} sail to {?} coun
Cram George Shipwright Shipwright Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1
Cram George jun Shipwright Shipwright Newcastle Newcastle X 1
Cram Robert Sailmaker Sailmakers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 ag not promd
Cramlington Henry Roper Ropemakers Berlin Germany 1 1 1
Cramlington William Roper Ropemakers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1
Crawford Anthony Roper Ropemakers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1
Crawford Alexander Cordwainer Cordwainers London London X 1pr
Crawford George Cordwainer Cordwainers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 will not promise
Crawford George Bricklayer Bricklayers, Wallers and Plaster Newcastle Newcastle X 1 pr {?if mindful} ‘absent
Mort Crawford Hugh Roper Ropemakers Sunderland Tyne and Wear 1 1
Crawford James Cordwainer Cordwainers London London X 1pr
Crawford John Roper Ropemakers Sunderland {?} Tyne and Wear X 1 1 has not {?}
Mort Crawford Thomas Joiner Joiners Newcastle Newcastle X
Crawford William Saddler Saddlers Morpeth {?} Northumberland 1 1 1 1 ab
Creighton William Cordwainer Cordwainers Newcastle Newcastle X pr 1 1 ag
Crisp Daniel Smith Smiths Newcastle Newcastle X 1pr
Crisp Thomas Currier Feltmakers and Curriers Hull East Yorkshire X 1
Crosby James Shipwright Shipwright Newcastle Newcastle X 1
{?} Crozier Joseph Cooper Coopers Gateshead Sunderd Tyne and Wear 1 1 1 split
Cumming Benja b o Cooper Coopers Newcastle Newcastle X wont prom
Cunningham John Mariner Mariners Tynemouth {?} Tyne and Wear X at sea
Curley Robert Butcher Butchers Newcastle Newcastle X 1 {?}
Curling Richard Barb Surg Barber Surgeons Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 p 1 1 Do no ill
Curtis William Smith Smiths Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1
Curtis William Smith Smiths Newcastle Newcastle X 1pr
Curry Joseph Feltmaker Feltmakers and Curriers Longbenton within modern Newcastle 1 1 1 1
Curry Joseph Skinner Skinners and Glovers Newcastle Newcastle 1 1 1 1 ag
Curry Michael Skin & Glov Skinners and Glovers Knaresbro’ North Yorkshire X
Curry Ralph Booth Cooper Coopers London London X
Crawford Thos No Shields Tyne and Wear at sea
Crooks Geo Mar Mariners 1 split ‘=will not
Crow Geo B & Brewer Bakers and Brewers
Crow John {?Do} Bakers and Brewers
Couzens Wm Currier Feltmakers and Curriers Nl Newcastle or Northumberland? 1 1
Crow Edwd B & Brewer Bakers and Brewers
Craster James Mar Mariners 1 1
Couzens Thos Hoastman Hostmen 1 1
Cram John 1 {?}
Crozier Jos Sund Tyne and Wear do
Cox Thos 1
Coxon Robert B Surgeon Barber Surgeons 1 pr if wanted
Curry Ephraim not prom but call not
{?} Andrew South Shields Tyne and Wear 1 1
Crofton John So Shields Tyne and Wear 1 1 not promd
Coxon Robert B Surgeon Barber Surgeons N Shields Tyne and Wear 1 pr not {?}
(The following entries are on the facing page)
Coxon Robert Shipwright Shipwright Durham County Durham ag
{?} James B Surg Barber Surgeons 1 split
{?Crofton} Nicholas So Shields Tyne and Wear against
Crawford Thos No Shields Tyne and Wear abt
{?Cummin} Robert Nl Newcastle or Northumberland? abs
Coward John }
Coward Dawson}
{?Cragie} Ovingham Northumberland 1 Do
this page transcribed by Pam Farrin

Transcription copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne